NSD61 focused on improving Provincial Achievement Test Results
Posted on October 9

Northland School Division No.61 (NSD61) is focusing on improvement after reviewing overall Provincial Achievement Test results.
Donna Barrett, Superintendent of Schools, credits the efforts and focus of staff, parents and school communities for contributing to success for grade 3, 6 and 9 students, but noted that we are concerned with the wide range of results.
“Some of our schools continue to do well,” said Barrett. “In these schools we are seeing high participation rates and achievement. We want to celebrate and build on the positive results but we also need to address areas where we are not seeing sufficient improvement.”
NSD61 is pleased to see a participation rate increase of eight percent for grade 9 students compared 2012-2013 and overall rates for grades 3 and 6 are over 85 percent.
“Regular attendance is necessary for students to succeed academically,” said Barrett. “Starting this fall every school will form an attendance committee to work closely with parents and the community to increase student attendance.
Our schools have been working to improve reading and writing in conjunction with the division-wide Literacy Initiative. Since the initiative’s inception three years ago, assessments indicate there has been growth among students. An external review of the initiative was conducted last spring and was supportive of the work and the results being achieved.
The division is collaborating with communities to promote student engagement in learning by strengthening Aboriginal languages and weaving cultural content within the curriculum. For example, this work has resulted in schools offering land-based learning opportunities. Schools are hiring community-based teachers who have graduated from the Aboriginal Teachers Education Program (ATEP) to serve as role models and help students make connections with curriculum.
Barrett adds that NSD61 is currently working with administrators’ to address results and develop plans for improvement.
“We believe in the potential of our students and will continue to work with our schools and communities to increase student success,” said Barrett. “While we still have a long way to go, we are very pleased to see improvement in our three year high school completion rate.”