393 - Gift Lake to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: Jackie Nichols
399 (Rabbit) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Vina Nahachick
401 - Janvier Local
On Time
Driver: Sparksman Transportation
402 - East Prairie Local
On Time
Driver: Laura Davidson
403 - Gift Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Doreen Nahachick
406 (Wolf) - Keg River to Paddle Prairie
On Time
Driver: Doris Christian
407 (Coyote) - Back Roads / Waskway North
On Time
Driver: Donna Martens
409 - Grouard Local
On Time
Driver: Manny Chalifoux
410 - Grouard to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: Ray Tallman
411 (Duck) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Jolene Gladue
414 - Gift Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Dave Chalifoux
415A - Shuttle bus - East Prairie to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: Glen Anderson
415B - East Prairie Local
On Time
Driver: Glen Anderson
417 - East Prairie to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: William Courtoreille
419 (Cougar) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Gerald Young
420 - Chipewyan Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Brian Alook
423 (Bear) - Paddle Prairie Local
On Time
Driver: Bob Ghostkeeper
425 (Eagle) - Paddle Prairie Local
On Time
Driver: Shelly Cardinal
426 - Conklin Local
On Time
Driver: Marjorie Quintal-Adby
428 - Susa Creek & Grande Cache
On Time
Driver: Kathy Smith
Dec 19 & 20 - Spare Driver
434 - Calling Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Wallie Gambler
437 - Fishing Lake to Cold Lake (East Side)
On Time
Driver: Jada Dumont
442 - Peavine to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: Dorothy Anderson
444 (Moose) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Bill Shaw
445 - Fishing Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Christensen Busing / Glen Christensen
446 - Fishing Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Christensen Busing
448 - Calling Lake Local
On Time
Driver: Marilyn Jacobs
450 - Peavine to High Prairie
On Time
Driver: Al Anderson
453 - GLE / Outer Road FMFN 468 / Cheecham Village / Singer Dr & Woodward Cres
On Time
Driver: Sparksman Transportation / Donna Fraser
454 - Peavine Local
On Time
Driver: Noskey Bus Lines (Norma Noskey)
455 (Wolf) - North End / Lake View
On Time
Driver: Cecile Nanemahoo
457 (Bear) - Sandy Lake to Wabasca
On Time
Driver: Herman Gladue
460 - Peavine Local
On Time
Driver: Noskey Bus Lines (Kirsten Lamouche)
461 - Amoco Rd
On Time
Driver: Sparksman Transportation / Brittany Humphries
462 - Interior FMFN 468 / Stony Mountain Rd / Main Townsite
On Time
Driver: Sparksman Transportation / Megan Decker
466 (Deer) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Deana John-Auger
Dec 19 - Spare Driver
467 (Eagle) - Wabasca Local
On Time
Driver: Sandra McLeod
468 - Elizabeth to Cold Lake
On Time
Driver: Rick Wells
Dec 20 - Spare Driver
469 - Elizabeth to Cold Lake (South)
On Time
Driver: Cheryl Walker
470 - Elizabeth Local
On Time
Driver: Corinne Desjarlais
471 - Elizabeth Local
On Time
Driver: Mike Desjarlais
472 - Fishing Lake to Cold Lake (South Side)
On Time
Driver: Lynndex Busing / Melvin Gladue
416 (Squirrel) - Hwy 754 & Caribou Cres
On Time
Driver: Bridgette Yellowknee