NSD hosting public meeting regarding future of Pelican Mountain School
Posted on March 12

Northland School Division invites residents to a public meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, at the Sandy Lake Community Hall. On January 18, 2019, the Board of Trustees approved a notice of motion regarding the possible closing of Pelican Mountain School.
NSD’s school closure policy (Policy 15 - School Closure), the School Act and Closure of Schools Regulation outlines a process for possible school closures; which includes hosting a public meeting. The meeting is an opportunity for parents and community members to provide input with regard to the future of Pelican Mountain School before a decision is made by the division's Board of Trustees.
NSD will be presenting the Pelican Mountain School Viability Report; which was presented at the Regular Board Meeting on January 18, 2019
https:/ /www.nsd61.ca/download/155838.
The Board of Trustees will vote on the motion no later than the Regular Board Meeting May 24, 2019.