Family Literacy Day 2015
Posted on January 28

Schools across Northland School Division celebrated Family Literacy Day on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27th to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
Please read and view Family Literacy Day School events and photos!
Anzac Community School: Anzac Community School hosted a “Literacy Across Canada” theme! Kindergarten to grade 3 students participated in literacy stations throughout the school based on a Canadian authors.
Conklin Community School: There was much care shown during the Conklin Kids Do Care Club and the grade.3/4/5 TLC Family Literacy Day Event at Conklin Community School. Click here to read more!
Dr. Mary Jackson School: The school hosted games, parents read with children, students read with students and student story boards were on display!
Grouard Northland School: Students, parents, staff and community members enjoyed a night of activities based on the Robert Munsch book "Love You Forever". Everyone also enjoyed snacks and students were sent home with a package of activities to do at home with family members! Click here for information!
Hillview School: The school organized a variety of activities for the children. Click here to learn more!
J.F. Dion School: During literacy block, the entire school got together in the gym for a book/author study. Students were put into multi age/grade level groups and given several books from well-known children's authors. Each group chose a specific author and discussed the book together. Students then created posters to illustrate and describe story elements such as characters, setting and problem. In the afternoon, parents, grandparents, Elders and community members participated in Family Literacy Day by reading their favourite books to students. Parents read their children, grandparents with their grandchildren and Elders sharing stories with all students!
Little Buffalo School: School planned a variety of activities such as crossword puzzles, t-shirt decorating, creating bookmarks, making words with banana grams and reading buddies! Click here to view more!
Paddle Prairie School: Paddle Prairie School hosted a Scholastic Book Fair and invited the community librarian to organize reading activities! Click here to learn more!
St. Theresa School: St. Theresa school hosted a Family Literacy Night! Students, parents and community members participated in activities such as oral storytelling, magnetic mystery, puppet theatre and sight word dominoes! A graffiti wall was also set up so everyone could write why they love reading! Many prizes on display including a tablet, LeapPad, toys, games and books! Congratulations to Blake Gullion who won the tablet!