Holiday message - Superintendent of Schools
Posted on December 19

Tansi, Edlanat’e, Hello,
The first half of the 2017-2018 school year is drawing to a close and it is my absolute pleasure to thank everyone for your work to ensure the success of Northland School Division (NSD) students.
It has been a busy start to 2017-2018. We started a new tradition hosting Northland Day at all schools August 30th. It was exciting to have schools host events in unison. It was a good opportunity for students, staff, parents and community members to interact and for NSD/Alberta Education staff to help parents and community members feel more comfortable about School Board Elections and School Councils.
We had more reasons to celebrate at the Alberta School Board Association (ASBA) Zone One Fall Awards Ceremony September 13th and the Fall General Meeting (FGM) Award Banquet November 19th. Peerless Lake School Teacher Chelsea Cattroll was selected the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) Zone 1 Edwin Parr Teacher Award recipient. The award recognizes first-year teachers that demonstrate exemplary dedication and commitment in the field of education. APPLE Schools, who was nominated for a Friends of Education by NSD, received the provincial Friends of Education Award winner at the FGM. The award is presented annually to organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to the improvement of education for Alberta’s students.
The month of October was historic for NSD. On October 16th, parents and community members participated in elections for the first time since 2010 and a swearing-in ceremony for the newly elected Board of Trustees took place October 26th. I feel fortunate to have witnessed such an important moment and I’m looking forward to working with passionate people who will advocate for all NSD students. In addition to a newly elected Board of Trustees, the formation of School Councils and Principal Advisory Committees is ongoing. Thank you to everyone involved in the establishment meetings.
As we move towards 2018, we are excited to implement new strategies to help NSD achieve its five outcome statements. We are helping schools provide dual credit opportunities for students. Students can earn credits towards a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree while they are still in high school. NSD is pleased to support a cohort of paraprofessional staff interested in enrolling and completing a Community-Based Teacher Education Program. The 4-year program will be provided through the Werklund School of Education (University of Calgary).
The division is also launching an Aspiring Leaders Program in February 2018. Interested teachers will learn what it takes to be an educational leader in the province of Alberta and in NSD. To view more information about NSD priorities, click on the website link to view our Combined Three Year Plan 2017-2020 (3YP) and Annual Education Results Report (AERR) 2016-2017 Summary
Thanks again everyone for contributing towards a terrific start to the 2017-2018 school year. I wish each of you a safe holiday break and a Happy New Year!
Miyo Nipayamiha, Tedhyati Haretiya Watei, Merry Christmas!
Gord Atkinson
Superintendent of Schools