Métis Week November 13-18, 2017
Posted on November 13

Each year, Métis people across Canada pay tribute to the Right Honourable Louis Riel by holding a commemorative ceremony on the date of his execution. This ceremony symbolizes the commitment Métis people share in striving for and promoting the visions of Louis Riel and is one of the most important dates on the Métis calendar. In addition to recognizing Louis Riel Day on November 16th, the Métis Nation of Alberta has declared the week surrounding November 16th “Métis Week.” The week is devoted to commemorating the sacrifices of the Métis who continue to strive toward rights and recognition as a distinct nation. This year, Métis Week runs from November 13-18, 2017.
Métis Nation of Alberta - Métis Week events throughout the province
Alberta Education's news release
Here is how some Northland schools are celebrating Métis Week:
Bishop Routhier School: On November 14th, the school watched Hey Riel!, a contemporary musical depicting the life of Louis Riel.
Elizabeth School: Students and staff will be watching Hey Riel! in Edmonton https://musicalmania.org/hey%2C-riel. Students also created portraits of Louis Riel. See photos below.
Hillview School: The school included activities in Cree Language class in recognition of Métis Week. They also attended Hey Riel! at Bishop Routhier School.
J.F. Dion School: Students celebrated Métis culture by creating crafts during the week-long celebration!
Paddle Prairie School: Paddle Prairie School students and staff had the opportunity to participate in a blanket exercise. This exercise was meant to teach students about the true history of Canada and the Indigenous people that inhabited the land before colonization as well as, the legacy of residential schools, the 60's scoop, and moving forward with truth and reconciliation. Visit the school's website for more information https://paddleprairieschool.ca/about/school-news/post/paddle-prairie-school-participates-in-a-blanket-exercise.
St. Theresa School: The school shared the importance of Métis history by using lessons, books, internet and music. The school's Métis teacher assistant helped everyone recognize the importance of Métis history, culture and traditions. An Elder came to share his life story and traditions to students. On Friday, the school listened to Métis fiddlers and took part in some jigging.