Year-end Message from Board Chair
Posted on June 27

Tansi, Edlanat’e, Greetings everyone,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to parents, guardians, community members, and education partners for everything you do to help Northland students succeed. Your support and collaboration are crucial in ensuring our students receive the best possible education and opportunities.
While we faced some challenges this year, we are enthusiastic about the direction we are heading. The Tri-Annual Reports we published highlight incredible efforts and achievements:
We are eagerly anticipating the third and final edition for 2023-2024 in September, which will celebrate our high school graduates. One of the highlights this year is celebrating 66 graduates across our division. The Board is so pleased to see such an increase, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff and the unwavering support of our communities.
I am particularly proud of the engagements we hosted in every community we serve. The valuable feedback we received helped us develop our new education plan, which reflects the priorities voiced by our communities. Please take a moment to review the education plan:
Hai, Hai, Masi cho, thank you. Have a safe and healthy summer break.
Robin Guild
Board Chair
Northland School Division