We want to hear from you! - New Administrative Procedures
Posted on February 15

Northland’s “NEW” Administrative Procedures are available for you to review and provide your feedback!
Northland Executive Staff, the Official Trustee and Terry Gunderson, Education Consultant with Alberta School Boards Association have done an extensive review of all Northland’s current administrative procedures based on the Governing Through Engagement and Collaboration (GTEC) Policy Model. The purpose of this review was to ensure revisions made to the administrative procedures and policies reflect the collective will of the Board and are carried out within the parameters set in provincial legislation. The new Administrative Procedures have been reviewed with the Local School Board Committee Chairs and Principals at an Orientation meeting held in Edmonton, January 2017.
How to provide feedback
To view the administrative procedures click here. This will bring you to the NEW Administrative Procedures Table of Contents. To view the procedure click on the number beside the name. To leave feedback on the procedure, there is a leave feedback link at the bottom of each procedure, please click on it and it will bring you to a form which can be filled out and submitted.
All feedback received will be kept confidential and will go directly to Melanie Mantai, Executive Secretary at central office. The deadline to submit feedback is April 30, 2017. Feedback received will be reviewed, taken into consideration and administrative procedures may be revised. The Administrative Procedures Handbook will be brought to the May 25, 2017 Corporate Board meeting as information and implementation for June 1, 2017.
Thank you for taking the time for this important process. If you have any questions or require additional information, kindly contact Melanie at (780) 624-2060 ext. 6104 or by email at: melanie.mantai@nsd61.ca.
Gord Atkinson
Superintendent of Schools
Northland School Division No.61