Teacher Appreciation and Recognition Night in Edmonton
Posted on February 12

New Teachers officially welcomed to Northland School Division at Teacher Appreciation Night February 11, 2015. Teachers donated stuffed toys, as you can see in the photo, to the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton!
Northland School Division in partnership with Northland Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Local No.69 hosted a Teacher Recognition and Appreciation night on February 11th in Edmonton. The evening began with an official welcoming for first year teachers. They received certificates to recognize their entry into the education profession. Former Little Buffalo School Principal Brian Dewar, who recently retired from the division, was awarded with a certificate for his dedication to Northland. The event included guest speeches from Donna Barrett, Superintendent of Schools, Colin Kelly, Official Trustee, Sandy Gillis, A.T.A., Lori Szmul, A.T.A. District Representative for North West and Mark Ramsanker, A.T.A. President.
The evening concluded with a keynote speech from Taylor Mali. Mali, a working poet and an author, entertained the crowd with poems related to education which resulted in a lot of laughter. To learn more about Taylor Mali, click here.
Scroll down the page to view more photos from the event!