Teacher Appreciation and Recognition Night
Posted on February 11

Northland School Division in partnership with Northland Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Local No.69 are hosting a Teacher Recognition and Appreciation event tonight in Edmonton. The event is taking place at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel West Edmonton. The Teacher Recognition and Appreciation event was organized between the Division the C2 Committee to help boost Teacher Morale. The keynote speak for this event is Taylor Mali!
Taylor Mali is a working poet. He is an author, most recently of “What Teachers Make:
In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World” (Putnum 2012) as well as two books of
poetry, The Last Time As We Are (Write Bloody Books 2009) and What Learning Leaves
(Hanover 2002). He received a New York Foundation for the Arts Grant in 2001 to
develop Teacher! Teacher!, a one-man show about poetry, teaching and math which
won the jury prize for best solo performance at the 2001 Comedy Arts Festival.
Click on the link to view his website