Summer Reading Program
Posted on May 19

Career Pathway School students review some of the books for Summer Reading Program
“The more you read, the more things you will know.
The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss
This quote perfectly defines the reason behind the Summer Reading Program developed by Northland School Division No.61 (NSD61) in partnership with Cenovus Energy.
The purpose of the program is to increase access to books for children in Northland communities over the summer and to help students avoid summer reading loss. A 2013 study published in Reading Today entitled “Eliminating Summer Reading Setback: How we can close the rich/poor achievement gap” ( says that providing children with self-selected books for summer reading helped to reduce summer reading loss. Maureen Chernipeski, Pedagogical Supervisor, says that Northland is looking for champions within NSD61 communities to help support the Summer Reading Program.
“We are looking for individuals or groups willing to partner with the schools,” said Chernipeski. “Individuals or groups will need to have a space open and available for children to come and check out some books.”
Northland introduced the Summer Reading Program to school communities last summer and Chernipeski says the program is designed to be flexible.
“In one community for example, books were available at a teacher’s house because the teacher was willing to do that,” said Chernipeski. “Many of the books were made available to readers at community halls and youth centres because kids are going there anyway.”
The Summer Reading Program is funded by Cenovus Energy which covers the cost of books and book bags. Smaller school communities who sign up will receive around 100 books and larger schools would get approximately 200.
NSD61 school communities who wish to participate in the Summer Reading Program are asked to contact Maureen Chernipeski at 780-891-2265 or before the end of May. Chernipeski adds that schools who sign up early will be eligible for Telus World of Science tickets.