Substitute Teachers' Appreciation Week March 11-15, 2019
Posted on March 11

Northland School Division No.61 (NSD) takes this opportunity to thank substitute teachers for their valuable service to students, staff, schools, parents and community members.
“In times of illness, family situation or necessity, we need highly skilled educators to step in when teachers are away,” said Gord Atkinson, Superintendent of Schools. “Our division understands at the drop of a hat we ask them to take on many different responsibilities and expect each day of instruction will be as productive as if the regular teacher was there.”
Depending on the situation, substitute teachers may be called to organize parent meetings, school events, mark assignments and fill out report cards.
“Substitute teachers are essential in maintaining a quality educational environment for our students to achieve success,” said Atkinson. “We appreciate their professional contributions when they work at one of our schools."
At some NSD schools, it’s a challenge to find substitute teachers.
“We are working with the schools to develop strategies to recruit substitute teachers to Northland School Division,” said Atkinson.
If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher with Northland School Division, please contact NSD at 780-624-2060 or 1-800-362-1360 and ask for the Human Resources Department.