Spring Break Message - Superintendent of Schools
Posted on April 3

Tansi, Edlánat’e, Hello students, parents, guardians, staff and community members.
We are living through an unprecedented global event. The COVID-19 pandemic has schools world-wide changing how they continue to provide education to students. On March 27th, Northland School Division launched its “Continuing Student Learning Plan”.
Schools are delivering content through the use of technology and hard copy work packages. Teachers have been contacting families to see what they have or need to support student learning through the use of technology. Students who don’t have access to technology will work from hard copy work packages and have regular telephone communication, with a teacher.
It has been awesome to learn how each school planned and executed the “Continuing Student Learning Plan” in their community. We have a remarkable group of educators and support staff, both in the schools and central office. I would like to thank parents and community members for your support during this pandemic. We miss seeing your children in the schools and look forward to when we can all be back in the classroom again.
We understand this is a time of high anxiety for many. There is an overwhelming amount of information coming at us all. Northland School Division is here to support students, parents and community members. We have compiled mental health information from several sources https://www.nsd61.ca/about-us/division-news/post/covid-19-mental-health-resources. There is a resource all parents can use to talk to their children about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones during the Spring Break. We look forward to connecting with students when at-home learning resumes on April 14th.
Hai, Hai, Masi Cho, Merci, Thank you for your support.
Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras
Superintendent of Schools
The Northland School Division