National Day for Truth and Reconciliation & Orange Shirt Day
Posted on September 29

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
In recognition and commitment to calls of action to address reconciliation in Alberta, Northland School Division Board and Administration (NSD) is supporting National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by ensuring students and staff are together with their families. Therefore, all NSD schools and facilities will be closed on Friday, September 30th to observe this important day.
Orange Shirt Day
Northland schools are wearing orange shirts and hosting events to honour and bring awareness to the experiences of residential school students this week.
Orange Shirt Day began in British Columbia in 2013 when a residential school survivor, Phyllis Webstad, shared her story of having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day at a residential school.
Since then, Orange Shirt Day has become an opportunity for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit governments, schools, and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation.
Check out #OrangeShirtDay2022 photos below! #EveryChildMatters
Calling Lake School
Calling Lake School students, staff and community members wore Orange Shirts and participated in a walk to the graveyard for Truth & Reconciliation Day.
Susa Creek School - Orange Shirt Day
Susa Creek School students spent a great deal of time and care on what you see in the images. They've been learning more about the Medicine Wheel in Cree class with Miss Vicki & Miss Ali. Having a Medicine Wheel on the school grounds is something that Miss Vicki had envisioned for the students for quite some time. The rocks were painted so carefully by all of the students.
Students and staff tied orange ribbons to honour & remember all of the children who never made it home and the survivors of residential schools.
On September 29th, every student was given an orange shirt when they arrived. Fabric markers were handed out to the older students who were asked to complete the sentence, "I matter because..." on their shirts.
There was much discussion amongst them on this. One of the most remarkable statements we heard?? "I matter because I do.
Paddle Prairie School - Orange Shirt Day
Paddle Prairie School had a wonderful day of reflection and commemoration today. The school was a sea of orange for all of the children who did not make it home from residential schools. Paddle Prairie School would like to thank community members who joined us on a walk today (September 29th).
Chipewyan Lake School - Orange Shirt Day
Chipewyan Lake School hosted an Orange Shirt Day event on September 28th. The school with support from the MD of Opportunity, Bigstone Cree Nation, and Bigstone Community Wellness, hosted a lunch and walk!
Mistassiniy School - Orange Shirt Day
Mistassiniy School students and staff wore orange today to honour and bring awareness to the experiences of residential school students.
Northland Online School - Orange Shirt Day
In honour of Truth & Reconciliation Week, Northland Online School students designed their own orange shirts! Check out what Zoey Desjarlais-Powderhorn designed!
The second photo is a group photo of students and staff wearing orange shirts.