NSD Tell Them From Me Survey Results
Posted on September 8

Source: https://alberta.tellthemfromme.com/login.htm
Northland School Division (NSD) presented Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey results at the Corporate Board Meeting on Friday, August 28th. Nine Northland Schools (Bill Woodward School, Paddle Prairie School, Mistassiniy School, Calling Lake School, St. Theresa School, Peerless Lake School, ADCS, Little Buffalo School, Gift Lake School) participated in the online survey that measures intellectual, academic, social and emotional engagement of students.
“The TTFM survey is a perfect opportunity to involve student voice in creating an engaging learning environment,” said Don Tessier, Associate Superintendent.
The TTFM survey is a helpful tool that school divisions use to celebrate success and address concerns raised by students. For instance, majority of NSD students said they are involved in a positive learning climate and believe schooling will benefit them personally and economically. However, results indicate that NSD students are twice as likely to suffer from moderate to high levels of anxiety and struggle more than the Canadian norm with positive relationships with peers. Tessier says as a division, we need to work with our stakeholders to address these concerns raised by students.
“Central office staff, principals, teachers will discuss these results with students, parents, Local School Board Committees and community members,” said Tessier. “We will look to see what we can do together to support and help our students.”