NSD staff participate in Professional Learning Pebbles Training
Posted on October 17

Associate Superintendents, Student Services Team, Pedagogical Supervisors and Director of First Nations, Metis and Inuit who participated in training on Professional Learning Pebbles.
On October 17, Terry Lynn Cook, Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Walking Together Consultant engaged and inspired Northland School Division’s (NSD) Associate Superintendents, Student Services Team, Pedagogical Supervisors and Director of First Nations, Metis and Inuit Learner Success who participated in training on Professional Learning Pebbles.
There was much dialogue and sharing of ideas to support certificated teachers on their learning journey to meet the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Foundational Knowledge. The group was very excited to see the Professional Learning Pebbles resource. It is a collection of 24 short activities created by the ATA Walking Together Project.
Some of the comments from the participants included: “User friendly document’’, “empowering for students, communities and teachers”, “A support for building capacity and an opportunity to learn more about Indigenous ways of being and knowing”
Professional Learning Pebbles training supports NSD’s outcome statements:
- NSD students are strong in identity, healthy and successful.
- NSD is a leader for Indigenous education excellence
- NSD is inclusive, each child’s ways of knowing and ways of being is respected and essential.
- NSD has excellent teachers, system leaders and school leaders.
- NSD is well governed and managed.
To learn more about Professional Learning Pebbles visit the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s website http://tinyurl.com/ycsuh2mx.