NSD Attendance Recognition & Awards Program - Monthly Draw Winners for September
Posted on October 30

Northland School Division congratulates the first recipients for the division-wide monthly draw promoting student attendance. The monthly draw is one of eight strategies approved for the NSD Attendance Recognition and Awards Program.
Award Strategy #6 - Monthly Attendance draws by division (e.g. K-3, 4-5, 7-9 & 10-12) for students achieving 90% or better
(1) Every month, students achieving 90% (or better) attendance will have their names placed in a hat for a $50 gift card draw in each of the following grade categories:
- Division 1 (ECS- Grade 3),
- Division 2 (Grades 4-6),
- Division 3 (Grades 7-9),
- Division 4 (Grades 10-12)
Congratulations to the following students:
- Kindergarten to Grade 3: Morrrison Noskiye, Chipewyan Lake School, Grade 3
- Grades 4-6: Jason Anthony Boudreau, Anzac Community School, Grade 4
- Grades 7-9: Rachel Molly Tallcree, Paddle Prairie School, Grade 7
- Grades 10-12: Ashley Anthony Michelin, Bill Woodward School, Grade 10
The division-wide program is an implemented action listed in the Attendance Improvement Initiative 'Every Day Counts' Operational Plan https://nsd61.ca/download/131791.