Northland School Division and Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council host CTS/Careers and Culture Camp
Posted on January 12

Northland School Division (NSD) in partnership with Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council (KTC) hosted a Career and Technology Studies (CTS), Careers and Culture Camp at the Marten Lakes Wilderness Campus - Northern Lakes College. From December 2-9, 2015, 25 students from Little Buffalo School (NSD), Peerless Lake School (NSD), Kateri School (NSD) and Atikameg School (KTC) participated in experiential learning and career development workshops while earning high school credits. During the week long camp, students were exposed to a variety of traditional and contemporary practices of the Woodland Cree peoples. They participated in pipe and smudging ceremonies, developed a better understanding about making moccasins, rattles, rabbit stew and preparing moose nose.
In addition to curriculum weaving programs, there was a large emphasis on career development throughout the camp. Students had the opportunity to complete the Food Handling Certification and small engine mechanics courses. Members from RCMP, Alberta Sustainable Resources Wildlife Enforcement and Alberta Sustainable Resources Forest Protection attended the camp to make recruitment presentations and interact with the students. The camp also offered a strong focus on literacy support through offering a storytelling and writing workshop. Students heard traditional Woodland Cree legends and were given the opportunity to create their own legend. Those legends are in the process of being edited and published thus creating a valuable, local, learning resource to schools.
Some of the comments from participants included:
“I really enjoyed my 7-8 days here. I learned a lot of new things that I didn’t know before. I would love to come here again and learn about the outdoors and our culture. Loved everything about this camp. Totally Loved it!”
“Have more camps like these please”
"Well put on program. Lots of information. Kids were engaged all the time. Students were excited. Good Food. Great job overall.”
“This week was good and we should get asked to come here more often.”
“It was really fun here and I hope to come back here.”
“This is a good program and needs to happen more often. It’s a great place to meet new people and have lots of fun while doing quite a bit of work and learning.”