Mark Owens receives Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Award
Posted on December 12

Northland School Division is celebrating one of its staff members once again. Director of Student Engagement, Attendance, and Completion Mark Owens has been awarded Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for his exceptional qualities and outstanding service in the field of sport. This medal is awarded to 7000 Alberta residents who have made a significant contribution to Canada, Alberta, their communities, or fellow citizens.
"On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I congratulate Mark on earning such a prestigious award,” said Cathy Wanyandie, Board Chair. “We are fortunate to have an educator who has demonstrated the willingness to go above and beyond to help others. Mark is the kind of individual who has and will continue to ensure Northland students have a positive learning experience and achieve success.”
“Since joining the Northland team, Mark is always ready to roll up his sleeves to assist with developing learning opportunities and figuring out ways to help more Northland students graduate high school and move on to post-secondary education or success in the world of work,” said Dr. Nancy Spencer-Poitras. “To be selected for the Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal is a remarkable achievement. The Northland team is very proud of Mark.”
Mark’s contributions to sports in Alberta include:
- Member of the NWASAA for 20 years.
- President of NWASAA Zone for the past 4 years in ASAA.
- Athletic Director in Rycroft, Sexsmith, and Administrator at Peace River High School.
- Coached volleyball, basketball, badminton, track, and field, and football in schools.
- Hosted many zone tournaments in volleyball and basketball in Rycroft, Sexsmith, and Peace River.
- Coached Junior Curling in Peace River
- Football Commissioner for 10 years in the zone.
- Coached football for 20 years at the Atom, Peewee, Bantam, and High School levels.
- Introduction and organization of Atom level football in Peace River with his wife Crystal
- Played football for 17 years with high school, junior, university, and Alberta Football League.
Mark will be presented the Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal on December 16, 2022, in Edmonton.