Flexible Learning Pilot Program update
Posted on May 22

On February 1, 2017, Northland School Division in partnership with Career Pathways School launched the Flexible Learning Pilot Program! Read the following article below in regards to the pilot from Career Pathways School Teacher Elizabeth Dunleavy.
Flexible Learning Pilot Program update
Written by Elizabeth Dunleavy
We are now well into the fourth month offering Northland School Division’s Flexible Learning Pilot Program. The idea of providing a virtual learning space was envisioned by Superintendent of Schools Gord Atkinson and is being facilitated with the help of Career Pathways School. The flexible learning environment was created to provide solutions for students to continue their high school education without having to leave their home communities. At present, there are five students enrolled. With the exception of one student, all are enrolled in academic, core course and Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses. We even have a student from Wetaskiwin.
The students involved are seeing successes. One student has already completed her Career and Life Management requirement and is about halfway through another academic course. Our other Flexible Learning Pilot Program students are diligently forging ahead and are expected to complete academic courses by the end of June.
With the expectation of the Flexible Learning Pilot Program being fully available to all high school students in September, the teachers at Career Pathways are working hard to ensure that all academic courses and many CTS courses will be available for the start of the next school year. The flex learning environment is expected to be a component of our division’s educational system. We hope that students in the division will take full advantage of this virtual learning environment to ensure a rich and rewarding educational experience that will open doors to the future.
More information about the Flexible Learning Pilot Program is available on the Northland School Division website. Click on the website link which is under Programs http://nsd61.ca/programs/flexible-learning-pilot-program.