Father R. Perin School closed from January 27 – 31, 2020
Posted on January 26

To ensure the safety of students and staff, Father R. Perin School is closed from January 27 – 31, 2020. The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo has indicated it will take between seven and 10 days to restore water to the school. Many options were considered in attempting to keep the school operating during this time, but the decision was made that it would be very difficult to maintain the required health standards of cleanliness in the school without access to a consistent supply of hot and cold water.
The principal will adjust the school calendar to ensure the lost school days are made up by the end of the school year. For example, professional days and staff meeting days will be changed to instructional days. The school calendar will be revised and shared with the community to show the adjustment of instructional time.
Student work packages will be delivered to families starting Wednesday, January 29, 2020.