NSD61 Celebrates Education Week and Mental Health Awareness Week
Posted on May 4

Education Week and Mental Health Awareness Week
May 4-8, 2015 marks Education Week and Mental Health Awareness Week. Schools across Northland School Division are hosting events to highlight the importance of education and mental health in our lives, families, schools and community.
Athabasca Delta Community School:
- Distribution of mental health cards and ribbons to organizations.
- Staff appreciation supper
- Hats on for Mental Health!
- Smoothie Day cost is $3
- Plant a Seed for Mental Health from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Ft. Smith students offer 'jam sessions' with ECS to Grade 7
- Ft. Smith Drama Group "Normal" for Grade 8 and up at 2:00 p.m. Normal is about the challenges and experiences of students going through high school and trying to fit in and find their place. It touches on every possible theme from love, to cell phones, to alcohol abuse. It follows three primary characters:John, Allie and Tyler as they navigate the challenges of the year.
- Sacred Circle at 3:30 p.m.
- Ft. Smith students offer 'jam sessions' with ECS to Grade 7
- Wear green for Mental Health!
- Positive Patrol
- Certificates of Appreciation to Organizations from the Students
- Parent Teacher Interview Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
- Ft. Smith Drama Group "Normal" for the Public (Youth Must be Accompanied by an Adult) at 8 p.m. Normal is about the challenges and experiences of students going through high school and trying to fit in and find their place. It touches on every possible theme from love, to cell phones, to alcohol abuse. It follows three primary characters:John, Allie and Tyler as they navigate the challenges of the year.
- Sacred Circle Afterwards
- Bake sale of HOPE for Nepal Victims
St. Theresa School:
Special speeches by student council members about the importance of education and the importance of teachers during monthly assembly. They are having a poster contest with the them "We are Teachers". Peggy Wheeler, Grade 4 Teacher, has sent a form home to parents asking "Something excellent about my child that I want everyone to know".
Some classes are also celebrating "Bus Drivers' Appreciation Day by making cards for bus drivers. On May 6th, students and staff are taking part in "Hats On! for Mental Health".
J.F. Dion School:
As a kickoff to Education Week, students will be assembled in gym where there will be group work, discussions about the theme of Education week, and group posters made to display throughout the school. On Wednesday, students will participate in a math competition with prizes for each grade. On Thursday, the school will be hosting a pancake breakfast.
On May 6th, students and staff are taking part in "Hats On! for Mental Health".
Gift Lake School:
Students and staff are celebrating Education Week by settling into the new Gift Lake Learning Centre. A new environment for quality learning!