Alberta Education Survey - Have your say in education
Posted on February 8

Parents have a direct impact on education and that’s why Northland School Division No.61 (NSD61) is asking for their support this month.
Schools will be contacting parents to complete the annual Alberta Education Survey (Accountability Pillar) before March 3, 2017. Students in grades 4, 7 and 10 and all teachers will complete the survey online at school. Schools with fewer than 120 students enrolled in grades 4-12 will see the survey expanded to include all parents of students in Grades 4 and above.
"It is very important for parents to complete this survey," said Gord Atkinson, Superintendent of Schools. "This survey is an opportunity for parents to help make a difference in education. We need parents to help us understand how we can better serve our school communities."
The Alberta Education Survey (Accountability Pillar) uses a number of indicators to determine how schools are measuring up. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about the school environment, program of studies, the quality of education, student preparation for future careers, parental engagement and the school improvement process. Once surveys have been gathered, responses will be reviewed by all Northland schools, the Corporate Board and the Alberta Government. This process will help NSD61 learn what is working and what needs improvement. The results will be reported publicly as part of the NSD61 Three-Year Education Plan and the Annual Education Results Report.
If you have any questions click here to contact your local school.