Aboriginal Youth Career Workshop Peace River 2015
Posted on November 9

Paddle Prairie School and Little Buffalo School represented Northland School Division at the Aboriginal Youth Career Workshop in Peace River November 4th. Students were exposed to various careers such as oil and gas, pulp and logging, RCMP, healthcare and graphic design. While being exposed to a number of careers, students were able to interact with role models and ask them questions. In addition to the workshops, students received positive messages from guest speakers Cory Cardinal and Sean Muir. Cory is a senior officer constable with the Lakeshore Regional Police Service. He is also a recognized musician while reaching #1 position in the National Aboriginal Music Countdown. Sean, a proud Cree man who resides in Comox, BC, is the founder and executive director of the Healthy Aboriginal Network. The Healthy Aboriginal Network promotes health, literacy and wellness through the production of visual resources for youth.