A book written by Northland students showcased by media
Posted on September 21

A book written by Northland School Division students has been receiving a lot of media attention. The published book was made possible with funding from our friends at Cenovus Energy. The funding supported a community storytelling project.
During the project, students listened to local Elders during storytelling sessions. The students then received permission from the Elders, to create a book using the stories that were shared during these sessions. The students put the stories in their own words, drawing pictures to accompany the text.
This book is a compilation of many stories from Elders in Northland School Division communities. The title of the book is Finding Fire Within: by Reconnecting with the Land.
To purchase a copy of the book, visit the Amazon website link https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BBYBRSXF.
Media Articles
Thank you to members of the media who published content about this exciting project!
- CBC Radio Edmonton AM: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-17-edmonton-am/clip/15936519-sharing-stories-elders
- CBC Radio Edmonton (website article): https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/indigenous-students-stories-1.6580554
- Windspeaker.com: https://windspeaker.com/news/windspeaker-news/book-publishing-project-helped-school-children-connect-elders
- MyMcMurray: https://www.mymcmurray.com/2022/08/23/inspiring-indigenous-stories-the-subject-of-new-book/
- South Peace News: https://www.southpeacenews.com/northland-students-write-a-book/
- Lakeside Leader: https://www.lakesideleader.com/northland-students-wrote-a-book-about-elders-stories/
- CFWE: https://www.cfweradio.ca/news/alberta-news/book-written-by-northland-school-division-features-elders-stories/
- Lakeside Leader: https://www.lakesideleader.com/northland-students-wrote-a-book-about-elders-stories/
- Peace River Broadcasting: https://www.rivercountry.fm/northland-students-write-book/