Paddle Prairie School student recognized with 2019 Great Kids Award
Posted on September 23

A Northland (NSD) student from Paddle Prairie School recently received a prestigious award! Ava Roe was one of 16 students awarded the 2019 Great Kids Award for inspiring and changing the lives of others. NSD Family Wellness Worker Noella Richarde nominated Ava for the award.
Ava is described as resilient, compassionate, a leader, and an old soul. Ava is constantly challenging herself to learn new things. She spends time with community Elders and family, gaining knowledge and practicing new skills like baking, cooking, sewing, hunting, and trapping. Her passion for taking on new challenges extends from her home life into her school life.
Ava was elected class president and takes that role very seriously. She meets the expectations of that role with an upbeat positive attitude. Ava initiated a snack program for her school, planning bake sales to raise money to fill the snack cupboard for other students. The small and remote Métis community that Ava calls home is not without challenges. Despite that, she continues to excel and inspire others with her work ethic and enthusiasm.
Congratulations Ava!