NSD running 4th Annual Summer Reading Program
Posted on June 27

Northland School Division (NSD) is pleased to be running its 4th Annual Summer Reading Program. The purpose of the program is to provide NSD students with high-quality reading materials they can read over the summer.
“Our goal is to promote reading growth,” said Nancy Spencer-Poitras, Acting Superintendent of Schools.
“This is done by getting books into the hands of students. We ask families to contact their local school to
find out where they can pick up books during the summer months. It is well documented in the research
that summer reading loss is significant for many students. Our students deserve access to these books
so that we can mitigate the effect of the summer reading loss. Our teachers, staff, families, and students
work so hard during the school year to raise their reading levels. We do not want to lose ground.”
The Summer Reading Program is funded by Cenovus Energy which covers the cost of books. NSD school communities receive several hundred books to distribute over the summer. Many communities place books in health, youth and recreation facilities. The program is operating in NSD school communities and in Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority (KTCEA) school communities.
For information about the Summer Reading Program please contact Janette Cavanaugh at 780-219-3105 or janette.cavanaugh@nsd61.ca.