Spring Break Message
Posted on March 29

Tansi, Edlánat’e, Hello!
NSD would like to thank students, parents, staff, and community members for supporting a welcoming, caring, respectful, safe and healthy learning environment.
We recognize that holidays are an important time for everyone to rest and reconnect with families.
To everyone who plays a part in education, enjoy the spring break and when school resumes, come back ready for a great finish to the school year and make every day count. And best of luck to all students competing in the Native Hockey Provincials in Edmonton April 4-7, 2019.
Hai Hai, Masi Cho, Thank you.
- Spring Break for Schools
Spring break for most NSD schools is April 1 -5, 2019. Elizabeth School and J.F. Dion School will be on Spring Break from April 15 - 22, 2019.
Please contact your local school if you have any questions. Thank you!