Indigenous Language Instructors learning to use Google Tools for Education to enhance instruction
Posted on December 19

Indigenous Language Instructors for NSD and Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority (KTCEA) participated in professional learning at the Executive Royal Hotel West Edmonton December 11th - 13th. The workshop is an example of what NSD and KTCEA are doing to build capacity and to strengthen language and culture in the school communities.
In 2017-2018, the instructors started learning how to use Google Tools for Education to enhance classroom instruction and collaboration with students and staff. Last week, they focused on utilizing Google Slides and Screencasify. The instructors learned how they can use Google Slides to visually show the translation of words from English to Cree or Dene and Screencasify so students can hear the word in Cree or Dene.
Terry Lynn Cook, Pedagogical Supervisor - Indigenous Curriculum and Julia McDougall, Pedagogical Supervisor - Language and Culture, facilitated an "Indigenous Name Places" activity. The instructors were tasked with identifying Indigenous names in their local communities. They will continue this work at the next professional learning workshop.
Additional information about Indigenous Language Professional Development
The purpose of providing professional learning to the Indigenous Language Instructors is to
ensure they meet curriculum requirements, have opportunities to enhance their peer and community
connections, and to offer them innovative ways to bring unified approaches to language, culture and heritage into the classroom.
Topics for Indigenous Language Instructors Professional Development Workshops
- Continuous Planning
- Assessment Tools
- Classroom Management
- Second Language Learning Modernizations (i.e. Technology)
- Networking with Second Language Teachers in Edmonton Public
Watch the video below. The Indigenous Language Instructors singing Jingle Bells in Cree. There's also a photo gallery below.