NSD educators participate in literacy workshops
Posted on October 2

Northland School Division (NSD) educators who teach grades 7-12 participated in adolescent literacy and levelled literacy intervention workshops. The Fountas & Pinnell Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. LLI turns struggling readers into successful readers with engaging levelled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.
NSD's mandate is to provide an education program that aligns with the standards of education set by Alberta Education and enables students to successfully complete grade 12 and to provide programs and opportunities that enhance and support the integrity and self-development of each child entrusted to its care. To make sure students achieve this mandate, we implemented a division-wide Literacy Initiative in 2012 with an objective to improve literacy practices and enhance reading, writing and comprehension skills for students https://nsd61.ca/programs/literacy-initiative.
The Literacy Leadership Team (Division Principal Literacy, Pedagogical Supervisors and school literacy leads) are involved in helping teachers understand the initiative. This occurs through one on one support, Professional Learning Communities, and online/in-person professional development sessions.
Following the workshops, the following comments were shared by NSD educators:
"My eyes were opened to different ways to use my literacy blocks. Guided reading and using the LLI kits will greatly impact my students."
"The workshop has shown how this can work to close the achievement gap with our junior high students. By using this program we can bring up our struggling readers."
"It helped bring evidence-based practices into my literacy instruction with the proven system and assessment pieces."
The workshops were hosted by Pearson Education.