Board Highlights - January 26, 2018
Posted on February 8

Read the Board Highlights from Northland School Division's January 26, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
Minister of Education to view KTCEA-NSD land-based learning Marten Lakes Wilderness Campus
Minister of Education David Eggen will be viewing land-based learning in action on February 21, 2018. He is scheduled to visit the Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority (KTCEA) – NSD Winter Camp located at Marten Lakes Wilderness Campus – Northern Lakes College from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. At these camps, students are exposed to learning experiences such as dogsledding, trapping, traditional art, Cree Language development and storytelling. This particular camp is supported by the KTCEA-Partnership Agreement Members of the Board and NSD staff will be in attendance. Watch for more details on the NSD website and NSD Facebook page.
Notice of motion for possible closure of Dr. Mary Jackson School
The Board of Trustees approved a notice of motion regarding the possible closing of Dr. Mary Jackson School in Keg River. NSD’s school closure policy (Policy 15 - School Closure), the School Act, and Closure of Schools Regulation outline a process for possible school closures. This includes hosting a public meeting which NSD has scheduled for March 15, 2018 at the school. The public meeting will help NSD understand the reasons why parents are sending their children to other schools and give parents and community members the opportunity to discuss alternative programs and the preferred future for Dr. Mary Jackson School. The Board will vote on the motion no later than the Regular Board Meeting May 25, 2018.
Before the notice of motion, Superintendent of Schools Gord Atkinson presented the Dr. Mary Jackson School Viability Report. The study outlines potential impacts of closing the school. Click on the website link to view the report (Page 35).
2018-2019 School Year Calendar draft accommodates families and increased division-wide professional development
The 2018-2019 School Year Calendar draft is geared towards accommodating families and creating time to host professional development for all staff. The Board approved the draft calendar in principle and will be brought back to Board in March following feedback circulation from schools. Click on the website link to view the calendar (Page 32).
First Quarter Finance Report approved
Secretary Treasurer Trudy Rasmuson presented the First Quarter Finance Report. Click on the website link for more information (Page 48).
Upcoming Regular Board Meeting and Workshop dates approved
The Board of Trustees approved upcoming Regular Board Meeting and Workshop dates. Board Meetings are scheduled on the third Thursday or Friday of each month. Click on the website link to view the dates (Page 57).
Board received update on NSD’s crisis communication strategy
Superintendent of Schools Gord Atkinson updated the Board on improvements made to improve safety and communication across the division. One of those changes included a division-wide launch of School Messenger Communicate January 22, 2018 This system helps NSD send notifications to parents, guardians and staff for emergencies via phone, text and email.
Board received information about Regional Aboriginal Recognition Awards
The Board of Trustees received information about the Regional Aboriginal Recognition Awards (RARA) These awards are given out to Aboriginal residents that have made positive contributions to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. A number of NSD students have been recognized at RARA in past years. The event takes place Saturday, February 10, 2018 at Shell Place Ballroom in Fort McMurray. NSD will have Board and senior administration in attendance for RARA.
Board representatives for Personal Improvement Leave Selection Committee and Quality of Work Life Committee announced
The Board of Trustees announced two committee appointments during the January 26, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Ward 7 Trustee Robin Guild has been appointed for the Professional Improvement Leave Selection Committee. The committee composed of the Superintendent of Schools, a trustee and a representative of the Northland Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Local will recommend applications submitted by eligible educators to the Board. A maximum of two teachers will be granted professional improvement leave annually.
Vice-Chair Randy Anderson will represent the Board on the Quality of Work Life Committee. The committee provides an opportunity for teacher representatives to address concerns related to school affairs, proposed educational policy changes, changes in conditions of professional services and division housing. The committee is a clause within the Collective Bargaining Agreement for teachers.
Board of Trustee form Ad hoc Committee
The Board of Trustees approved the formation of Ad hoc Committee to discuss Mistassiniy School. Dollars have set aside by the province for a modernization of Mistassiniy School or for a new school to be built. Ward 7 Trustee Robin Guild and Ward 6 Trustee Silas Yellowknee have been appointed to sit on this committee. The committee will bring back a recommendation for the next Regular Board Meeting.
View Board Schedule, Agendas, Minutes, Highlights and Attachments on our website at:
Next Corporate Board Meeting is February 23, 2018
These writings do not constitute the official record of the Northland School Division No.61. They are however, provided as general information relating to action taken at board meetings. For further information, please call 780-624-2060 or 1-800-362-1360.