Important message for schools on Spring Break
Posted on March 27

Tansi, Edlánat’e, Hello!
We would like to thank students, parents, staff, and community members for supporting a welcoming, caring, respectful, safe and healthy learning environment.
We recognize that holidays are an important time for everyone to rest and reconnect with families.
To everyone who plays a part in education, enjoy the spring break and when school resumes, come back ready for a great finish to the school year and make every day count.
To learn more about the Attendance Improvement Initiative "Every Day Counts" visit our website
Hai Hai, Masi Cho, Thank you.
Radio Message!
Click here to listen to Spring Break/Attendance Improvement Initiative "Every Day Counts" Initiative radio advertisement! The advertisements are airing on YL Country and Kix FM, CFWE Radio and The Eagle (Hinton/Grande Cache area)
NOTE: Most of our schools are taking Spring Break now but some schools will be taking their break on different dates. Visit our calendar for details