Division News

Division News

New Principal at Chipewyan Lake School

Posted on November 8

Northland School Division No.61 (NSD61) is pleased to announce the appointment of Cindy Moore as Principal of Chipewyan Lake School. Cindy, who was teaching grade 3 at St. Theresa School, says she’s looking forward to a new challenge.

“There are several reasons that I was intrigued by the position in Chipewyan Lake School administration,” said Moore. “I knew there would be challenges due to the remote location but I was compelled to see if I could bring stability to the school. I also love our community of Wabasca and I knew that I could commute back and forth each week between the communities to maintain that connection as well as create the new connection to Chipewyan Lake’s children and community. Furthermore I needed a new challenge and thought a change in position and scenery might be rewarding.”

Cindy’s educational journey began in 1996 as a special needs assistant with NSD61; then in 2000 she took an education leave to pursue higher learning. In 2004 she was part of the original Aboriginal Teacher Education Program; graduating as a generalist with a minor in Aboriginal Studies from the University of Alberta (U of A). 11 years later, she earned a Master of Arts and Integrated Studies through Athabasca University; focusing on Aboriginal Education and Leadership.

“My educational and work experience has always been driven by the need to improve learning outcomes for our First Nations, Métis children so that success in completing high school is improved,” said Moore. “I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words. I would hope that my actions within the school and community of Chipewyan Lake will demonstrate to everyone that I am committed to creating a positive learning environment where children feel welcome supported and cherished.”

Cindy is Métis and married with a son who is 16 and a daughter who is 19.