Alberta Curriculum Development Survey - Have Your Say
Posted on November 18

Deadline is today (November 18th) to have your say about curriculum development in our province! Alberta Education is moving forward in the development of a new Kindergarten to Grade 12 provincial curriculum in all grades across the subject areas of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Sciences, Arts and Wellness education. But they need input from students, school staff, parents, Elders and community members. Have your say by filling out this survey available on the Alberta Education website
Parents, Elders and community members, please contact your local school if you have any questions. Click here for contact information for each school.
Don't miss this opportunity to Have Your Say. It's your chance to improve the education quality for your child or children. This survey is one piece of information that will be considered by curriculum developers when decisions are made about the content of future curriculum. For more information please visit the Alberta Education website