Things you need to know - Fort McMurray and area wildfires
Posted on June 1

Things you need to know (Updated June 1, 2016)
Fort McMurray Wildfire Updates from Alberta Government
Important Re-entry Information
Support and Counselling Services/Resources to help school communities affected by the wildfires
We are concerned about the welfare of all of our staff and want to remind you that support and counselling services are available through our Employee and Family Assistance Program provider Homewood Health. They can be contacted at 1-800-663-1142 or visit the Northland School Division website for more information
Homewood Health - Experiencing a Traumatic Event
Homewood Health - Supporting Employees Affected by a Natural Disaster
Homewood Health - Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event
Trauma and Healing Information Session for Fort McMurray Residents and First Responders
Wednesday, June 8th 6:00-8:00 PM
The purpose of this workshop is to provide support and information for any individuals who have been directly impacted by the Fort McMurray wildfires.
School closures
Anzac Community School, Bill Woodward School, Fort McKay School and Father R. Perin School will be closed for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year.
School registration (Important Information for Northland Schools)
Students displaced from Fort McMurray and surrounding communities due to the wildfires are encouraged to register in a school to continue their studies. For further information, please click on the website link
All impacted students entering schools from the following jurisdictions should be accepted using enrolment code 600: Fort McMurray Public School District, Fort McMurray Roman Catholic School District, Greater North Central Francophone Education Region (Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord), and Northland School Division. Displaced students and their parents may not be in possession of adequate documentation or identification normally required during the registration process. The Minister of Education asks that you exercise leniency in this area. If you have any questions please contact Student Data Coordinator Gayle D'Lugosz gayle.dlugosz@nsd61.
Alberta Distance Learning Centre (ADLC) is also available to help
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)
The following Northland schools have been exempt from PATs due to the Fort McMurray and area wildfires:
- Bill Woodward School
- Father R. Perin School
- Fort McKay School
**Please note: any student evacuated due to the wildfires wishing to take their PAT exam can do so in the school they have registered with.
Diploma Exams
The following Northland schools have been exempt from writing Diploma exams ddue to the Fort McMurray and area wildfires:
- Bill Woodward School. Alberta Education will remain in contact with Northland School Division to assist all affected students.
Students will receive an exemption without having to fill out an application form (it will be done for students by their schools). In other words, affected students do not need to do anything to receive this diploma exam exemption.
Students can still decide to write the diploma exams if they so choose. Where possible, schools will be expected to accommodate such requests. If students would like to write an exam at a Special Writing Centre, they, their parents or their school can contact or call 780-492-1400.
General Questions and Answers from Alberta Education
For more information please go to
If you have questions or concerns please contact Curtis Walty, Communications Coordinator via email or by phone 780-219-1870.