Division News

Division News

Wildfire Update

Posted on July 25

Updated on July 25, 2024

We are closely monitoring wildfire updates. To families impacted by wildfires, our thoughts are with you. 

Active Wildfires Impacting Northland School Communities

Janvier (Father R. Perin School)

The Evacuation Alert for the hamlet of Janvier has been lifted. Alberta Wildfire has made significant progress on containing Wildfire LWF-136 (part of the Kettle River Complex) and the much-improved weather conditions will further support those operations. More information is available on the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo website https://www.rmwb.ca/en/news/evacuation-alert-lifted-for-janvier.aspx

Chipewyan Prairie First Nation has also lifted its Evacuation Order. Chipewyan Prairie First Nation members should follow CPFN social media for re-entry information https://www.facebook.com/ChipewyanPrairieFirstNation

Chipewyan Lake (Chipewyan Lake School)

An Evacuation Order remains in effect for residents in Chipewyan Lake. The Evacuation Order is due to multiple wildfires burning northwest, northeast and east of Chipewyan Lake. The wildfires threaten the only route in and out. Updates are being posted on the Municipal District of Opportunity Emergency Management Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064688143379.

For current information on the wildfires, go to the following links:

Alberta Emergency Alert


Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard


Wildfire Status


511 Alberta


Smoke Forecast 
