Bill Woodward School Graduation 2015
Posted on June 29

Back Row L-R: Brittany McKenzie, Donnie Janvier, Brandon Bradley, Kyliena Gibbs, Desiree Fetzko Front Row L-R: Bree Braumberger, Matieu Cote, Javeleigh Seguin, Jerelyn Joy Seguin
June 27th marked a day in history for Bill Woodward School. Students, parents, staff and community members celebrated the first ever graduation class at the school! Nine proud graduates participated in a parade around the community in fire trucks and vintage cars before meeting up at the school in their caps and gowns. In a ceremony honouring their achievements and celebrating their years as students at Anzac Community School and Bill Woodward School, the grads walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. The evening was capped off with a promenade of the graduates, a buffet supper and video presentations by the staff honoring each grad.